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HTB Announcer Experiences Travel In The Age Of Coronavirus

1 April 2020 News

Hometown Broadcasting’s Wayne Mausser like many baseball fans got robbed of the chance to take in some Brewer games during Spring Training this past month. He and his wife Linda were out in Arizona when the COVID-19 outbreak began canceling Spring Training and many other sports and activities. Wayne says he got in some golf before restrictions and social distancing became the norm. Flying back last weekend was also different. “The flight which probably had if it is full 180 passengers, maybe had 30 and they were all spaced out. We were all spaced out from each other and three to six feet.” When they got back to Wisconsin they weren’t required to be quarantined, but have been practicing social distancing like everyone else. He says for everyone it is about how quickly life will be able to get back to normal.
