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Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday 4/22/20

22 April 2020 News

FDL Man Charged For High Speed Chase

(Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s photo)


A 34-year-old Fond du Lac man is facing fleeing and obstructing an officer charges for a high speed chase in Fond du Lac County last Sunday afternoon. Emanuel Howard was pulled over for speeding on his motorcycle in the village of Campbellsport, but fled when the village police officer approached his bike. A chase ensued on I-41 northbound. Howard later pulled over into a parking lot of a Fond du Lac apartment complex, but struggled with Sheriff’s deputies while they were trying to place him in handcuffs. He also allegedly lied about his identity when he was initially pulled over by the Campbellsport police officer.  Howard made his initial appearance in Fond du Lac County court Tuesday. Bond was set at $5,000 cash and a preliminary hearing was scheduled for May 1st.

Personal Protective Equipment A Concern

One of the things the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force took a look at is whether there is enough personal protective equipment if the outbreak hit one of the long term care or assisted living facilities in the city. Task Force member Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says they polled the facilities on whether they had enough PPE if things remained about the same. “In this community we are concerned about what those senior housing facilities would look like if there was an outbreak and do they have enough equipment. So we are collecting PPE we’ve been working with each one of those facilities.” He says one of their concerns is how far the pandemic might spread in the community if there was an outbreak at one of those senior housing facilities. Puhlmann-Becker says businesses have generously donated some PPE equipment and made some face shields.

Hot Spots

The superintendent of the Ripon Area School District says not all families provided with computer devices for their virtual learning programs had internet access. Mary Whitrock says a device that attaches to the computer provides a “hot spot,” which gives them access to pick up the internet. “I know in our district we were working with families and if they didn’t have internet access they were connecting with us and we were providing them with “hot spots” and I believe over 45 went out to different households.” She says those having issues with the devices should contact the district. Whitrock says because of social distancing and Safer at Home restrictions there are a lot more people using the internet these days.

Shilling Stepping Down As State Senate Minority Leader

State Senator Jennifer Shilling has decided to step down as the minority leader in the Senate. The Democratic lawmaker from La Crosse represents the 32nd State Senate District and will not be seeking reelection in the fall. She says she believes new leadership in the Democratic caucus will help to provide the best representation for their constituents and put Democrats in the best position to be successful in the months and years to come. She will step down as State Senate Minority Leader effective this Friday.

Senator Feyen On Badger Bounce Back Plan

State Senator Dan Feyen says Governor Tony Evers Badger Bounce Back plan shows the state’s citizens a path towards opening our economy and a light at the end of the tunnel. The state lawmaker from Fond du Lac says we need to strike a balance between public safety and economic well-being and the plan is a step in the right direction, but likely not the silver bullet. The plan, modeled after Federal guidelines, provides the state with goals to meet prior to reopening. It will increase testing capabilities, streamline the contact tracing process, and provide more personal protective equipment for health care professionals and Wisconsin businesses.

Recount In FDL County Board Race Does Not Change Outcome

A recount in a tight Fond du Lac County Board race did change the vote count, but not the outcome in the Spring Election. There was a recount Monday in voting for the 16th Supervisory District. After the election challenger Brooke Hills had defeated incumbent Supervisor Martin Schroeder getting 348 votes to Schroeder’s 340.  Following the recount Hills had received 346 votes to Schroeder’s 341. Supervisory District 16 is composed of ward 2 through 7 in North Fond du Lac.

RHS Participates In Be The Light Campaign

Ripon High School will be honoring its spring athletes tonight by participating in the #BetheLightWI campaign. They are partnering with the Ripon Police and Fire Departments. The event will feature a vehicle caravan starting at Murray Park at 7:50 p.m. Lights will go on at the diamonds at 8 p.m. to honor softball athletes. The caravan will proceed to Ingalls Field to honor track, soccer, and tennis athletes at 8:15 and finally proceed to the Barlow Park baseball diamond to honor golf and baseball athletes about 8:25.  Those in the caravan should remain in their vehicles during the event. Community members can participate by turning on their porch lights.

June Dairy Events Cancelled

Envision Greater Fond du Lac’s Agri-Business Council has cancelled June Dairy Day on June 6th and Breakfast on the Farm on June 28th due to the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic. Amy Ries, Director of Agricultural Programs for Envision, says it was not an easy decision but public safety has to be their first concern. She encourages people to celebrate the dairy industry and farmers at home by purchasing milk, cheese, ice cream and other dairy products.

Siren Testing In Ripon

Residents of Ripon shouldn’t be surprised if they happen to hear a weather siren going off during the course of the week. The city is doing some maintenance on them and may need to test or set them off at different times. The regular maintenance is usually conducted before the spring storm season. The city regularly tests the sirens at noon on Saturdays.
