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Hometown Broadcasting News Monday 3/30/20

30 March 2020 News

FDL Woman Extradited For Murder In Indiana

A woman wanted for murder in Indiana waived her extradition when she appeared in Fond du Lac County court last Thursday. Thirty-three-year-old Holly Boisvert was arrested in Fond du Lac last week. She was wanted in the 2002 stabbing death of a 17-year-old girl in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Boisvert allegedly got into a fight with the victim and stabbed her twice. The death was ruled a homicide. The case went nearly unsolved for 17 years, but the investigation heated up over the past year.

No Open Or Controlled Burns

The Ripon Area Fire District is suspending all open/controlled burns within the fire district until further notice due to the COVID-19 outbreak. It is being done to limit contact with the public and is for everyone’s safety. Restrictions include not burning debris in barrels or on the ground and not burning grass or wooded areas. Recreational campfires in appropriate fire pits are permitted if they are within the guidelines of the city’s ordinance. City ordinances can be viewed at the Ripon city website.

Stimulus Checks Warning

When it comes to checks from the stimulus package the FBI is warning Americans that the U.S. Government will never send them an email asking them for personal information in order to get federal aid. They also do not make phone calls asking for that information. According to The Ways and Means Committee, eligibility for checks from the IRS will be based on 2018 and 2019 returns, and for Social Security retirement and disability and Railroad Retirement beneficiaries, they will use information from the Social Security Administration and Railroad Retirement Board. Checks will either be mailed directly to individuals or if you had your income tax refund directly deposited the money will be put into your account.

Green Lake County Protective Equipment Drive

Markesan Police Chief Will Pflum is spearheading the Green Lake County law enforcement and first responders appeal for protective equipment to keep them safe during the global pandemic. Law enforcement, fire, EMS, emergency management, emergency room staff, and nursing homes are gearing up for what could be an extended health emergency. He says some of them had equipment, but not the amounts that may be needed for the COVID-19 virus. “Each of us had a limited amount in preparation for something to occur, but nothing of this magnitude or something that could potentially be sustained for such a long period of time. So we came to the point where we just need to ask for help.” Items needed include; N95 masks or surgical masks, hand-sanitizer, anti-bacterial wipes, and non-latex gloves. If you have items you can donate contact your local police department or the Green Lake County Sheriff’s Department

Calls Available From Ripon Senior Activity Center

Ripon Senior Activity Center Executive Director Noreen Johnson says some senior citizens and others on their own are welcome to give them a call if they just want to chat. She says a lonG period of isolation along with news about the devastating impact of the global pandemic isn’t good for anyone and sometimes having someone to talk to can break up the monotony and potential despair. “If we have seniors out there that just want someone to call and check up on them or if people know of someone that needs a phone call.” Those who need a call can phone the senior center at (920) 748-6225, 748-6450 or you can leave a message on the senior center’s Facebook page.

FDL County Culvert Replacement Project

The state’s Department of Transportation says a website is now available for the proposed U.S. Highway 45 culvert replacement project in Fond d Lac County. The culverts are located at County Highway F and culvert crossing just south of County Highway B in the Towns of Osceola and Eden. The project consists of removing the pipes and replacing them with two concrete box culverts. The project won’t start until the summer of 2023. U.S. Highway 45 will be closed and detoured during construction.

Forty Two New State Troopers

Governor Tony Evers this past week congratulated 42 new Wisconsin state troopers who recently completed about six months of comprehensive training at the State Patrol Academy in Fort McCoy. Among those from the local area were Sean Bryan of Waupun and Anthony Rader of Mayville who are being assigned to Fond du Lac County, Anthony Ranieri of Oshkosh is being assigned to Winnebago County, and Veronica Hiley of Beaver Dam is being assigned to Columbia County.  Fond du Lac County will be getting two more troopers and Winnebago 5 more troopers from other parts of the state.

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