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A Letter From Green Lake County Sheriff Mark Podoll

21 March 2020 News

Dear citizens and visitors of Green Lake County,


Never in my 37 years of law enforcement have I seen a situation like the one our country is facing today.  I never dreamt that our community would be preparing for battle with a virus.  A microscopic enemy that has already changed our world.


The citizens of Green Lake County should know that the Sheriff’s Office staff have been working diligently in response to the COVID 19 pandemic in an effort to prepare for its arrival and mitigate the risks to the community.


We live in uncertain and unpredictable times.  The current situation has many people on edge and concerned about their families’ well-being in addition to their own physical health.  This has always been a tight-knit community, and it will always be a tight-knit community.  We (The Sheriff’s Office Staff), in conjunction with all local law enforcement partners want to assure you that the drastic and costly measures taken by the community to prevent the spread of COVID 19 have been undertaken to minimize the impact of this pandemic over the long term.  The sacrifice and unified response to this situation by employers and employees alike will result in lives saved and economic impact minimized.


As this situation unfolds the morals and values of our community will be tested.  It is of the utmost importance that we as a society stand strong holding the morals and values of Green Lake County residents in the highest regard.  As the pandemic unfolds throughout the world may the USA, the state of Wisconsin, and Green Lake County be the moral standard in the face of a crisis.  May our dedication and love of our fellow citizens shine brightly as an example to all those around us.


As a law enforcement agency we will be adjusting our service to the community where possible to minimize the risk of spreading this evil disease. For we, as public servants, do not want to become a vehicle of transmission through our many public contacts.  These changes shall not and will not affect the enforcement of the law.  Trust that all those suspected of breaking the law will be held accountable as always.


The law enforcement and emergency services community needs you to aid us as protectors of our great county.  In the event that you see something or become aware of some criminal act that threatens the moral fabric of our community, notify your local law enforcement authority and document with photos or videos that of which you are witnessing.


Ladies and gentleman, with the support of our community built on the moral foundation of our citizens WE will persevere.  Stand strong brothers and sisters, and show this microscopic demon what we are made of!

God Bless our Nation, State, and County,


Mark A. Podoll

Sheriff Green Lake County

