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Pajama Time Seuss Celebration at Ripon Public Library

26 February 2020 News

Ripon Public Library’s next Pajama Time takes place on Wednesday, March 4 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Pajama time is a story-centered, family friendly evening for kids of all ages featuring an assortment of the best books, music, games, treats and crafts.

March 4 kicks off at 5:30 p.m. with a special feature by Robin School of BMO Harris. Ms. School will present “Cyber Crime: protecting your kids & your money”, an informative, interactive time for kids and their adults to learn how to identify online traps, create effective passwords, and remember the types of information never to give away. Hearty, healthy snacks will be provided.

At 6:30 p.m., the event transitions into an all-things-Seuss birthday bash with books, games, crafts, and birthday cake. Come play, fun is good!

Registration is not required. For more information on this event, plus a host of other exciting offerings, visit the library’s website or follow the Ripon Public Library on Facebook.

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