Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday 12/11/19
11 December 2019 News
Motion Hearing For Beaver Dam Murder Suspect
A motion hearing was held in Dodge County court Monday for a 32-year-old Beaver Dam man suspected of murdering his ex-wife last March. During the hearing rulings were made on what will be admissible during a five-day jury trial for Ulisses Medina Espinosa next February. Medina Espinosa allegedly shot Stacia Hollinshead to death while she and their daughter were visiting the girl’s grandparents. Hollinshead was an Assistant State Attorney in Dekalb County, Illinois. The trial is scheduled for February 10th through the 14th.
Congressman Grothman Backs Predatory Loan Protection Bill
A bill recently introduced by Congressman Glenn Grothman will not only protect veterans but consumers as well from high cost predatory pay day loans, auto-title loans, and other forms of toxic credit. A bill passed by Congress in 2006 capped interest rates at 36 percent when active duty service members and their families took out predatory loans. The federal lawmaker from Glenbeulah says this new bill extends that protection to veterans and consumers. “The Federal Government in the past said we are not going to allow these people to give loans to servicemen frequently they would pop up on army bases and that sort of thing and it has done good to say that you can’t give these outlandish loans to servicemen, but now we’re going for the rest of the public.” A companion bill was introduced in the Senate last month.
Freiberg Will Seek Another Term As FDL County Clerk
Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg will be seeking another term next November. County offices up for election next fall include the County Clerk, County Treasurer, and Register of Deeds. Candidates for those offices won’t be able to take out nomination papers until April, but when the time comes Freiberg says she will be gathering signatures to run for another four-year term. “Just like every one of us someday we look at retirement so I would like to finish my career here in Fond du Lac County and I do have a couple more terms.” Meanwhile candidates running for office in the April election are currently gathering signatures for their nomination forms. Those have to be returned to the appropriate clerk’s office by 5 pm on Tuesday, January 7th.
Bell Ringing Match
The Salvation Army’s Red Kettle campaign will be getting a boost from the Webster Foundation on Friday and Saturday December 20th and 21st at Webster’s Marketplace in Ripon. “Rob Webster on the weekend of December 20th and 21st will be matching all the money that is raised at Webster’s Marketplace those two days from the bell ringing.” Lee Prellwitz of the Salvation Army says if you’re going to write a check to the Salvation Army rather than mailing it take it down to Webster’s one of those two days and put in a kettle to make the most of your donation. The local effort helps out the needy in the Ripon, Brandon, Fairwater, and Rosendale area.
Waupun Utilities Open House Scheduled
Waupun Utilities will be hosting an open house next Wednesday night to take public comment on the Waupun Wastewater Utility Process Upgrade and Rate Impact. Staff and industry experts will provide more details on the system being implemented to meet phosphorous limits. They will also provide further details on the sewer rate study and customer rate impact. The open house will be at the Waupun Public Utilities located at 817 South Madison Street. It will begin at 6 pm that evening.
Tree and Shrub Sale
Dodge County’s Land and Conservation Department is reminding residents; trees and shrubs are still available for order for the spring planting season. Several species of trees and shrubs are available in bundles of 25. Sugar Maples are $30 a bundle and all others are $25 a bundle, tax included. Orders will be taken through January 31st. For more information or an order form, call (920) 386-3660 weekdays or visit the Dodge County Land and Conservation Department website.
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