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Green Lake County Chief Deputy Sheriff Putzke Retiring

31 December 2019 News

In just a few days Green Lake County Chief Deputy Sheriff Mark Putzke will be retiring. He has nearly 32 years in law enforcement, all of it with that department. Putzke says he began working at the department part-time while he was still finishing up his college education. As you might expect he’s seen a lot of changes in the technology they’ve used over those years. “If they wanted to get ahold of us and we were on the road they would tell us to call pay phone #1 or pay phone #3 that would be for a phone conversation. Other than that it was all radio, no computers everything was typewriter and card file so a lot of change.” During the past month Putzke was recognized for his service by the Green Lake County Board and the county employee group also held a get together for him. He says he will miss the contact with his fellow employees and the citizens of the county, but is looking forward to retirement.
