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Hometown Broadcasting News Friday 8/16/19

16 August 2019 News

Driver Sober Or Get Pulled Over


Law enforcement agencies throughout the state will be out in greater numbers over the next two weeks looking for impaired drivers. The “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” enforcement campaign begins today and runs through Labor Day, Monday, September 2nd. The primary goal is to enhance public safety. Every law enforcement agency in Fond du Lac County will be participating. Sheriff’s Lieutenant Eric Halbach says it’s not worth the risk to drink and drive. “You know the best thing is to get a designated driver. If you’re going to go out to a fish fry or you going to go out and celebrate over Labor Day weekend designate someone for driving. If you’ve been drinking, don’t drive it is not worth the risk.”  Every 2 ½ hours in the state someone is injured or killed in an alcohol-related accident. In 2018 there were 6,255 alcohol-related crashes resulting in 3,293 injured people and 159 deaths. There were also more than 24,600 convictions for operating while under the influence.  

Beaver Dam Woman Pleads To Reckless Homicide Charge

A 40-year-old Beaver Dam woman has pleaded guilty to a first degree reckless homicide charge. Jackie Meyer supplied the heroin and cocaine that led to the August 2016 death of Karen Sadowski of the Town of Fox Lake. Meyer took Sadowski to a drug dealer in Madison. After the overdose she asked her boyfriend to lie about where she was when Sadowski overdosed. Sadowski died at a hospital early the morning after her overdose. Meyer will be sentenced on November 1st. Prosecutors are recommending seven years in prison and ten years of extended supervision.

Two Ripon Historic Districts Will Not Be Reinstated 

By a 7 to 1 vote this week the Ripon Common Council agreed with the Historic Preservation Commission that a letter should be sent out to residents in the Ransom and Tygert Street neighborhoods letting them known that two residential historic districts would not be reinstated. Alderman Aaron Becker chairs the commission. He told the Council Tuesday that about 40 people showed up on July 17th for a public hearing about the districts. Becker says reinstating the districts is, “Not a winnable argument at this stage of the game.” Alderman John Splitt who also serves on the commission said he was disappointed with the commission’s decision. Becker pointed out that individual home owners could still seek historic designations for their homes or properties and the city has a local designation form for that.  

Grant Will Benefit BRAVE Program At Barlow Park Elementary 

The Project Director for the BRAVE program and Site Coordinator for the Ripon Middle School Catalyst program is pleased to see the expansion of their BRAVE program for Barlow Park Elementary School. The Ripon Area School District is receiving a five year grant for $115,000 a year for the Barlow Park BRAVE program. Ashley O’Kon says it will allow them to do quite a bit more. “We’ve added Fridays, which we have not historically been able to offer. We will be offering extended morning care. We have added a number of community partnerships to really offer children a much more rounded program that we wouldn’t have been able to afford in the past.” She says the community partnerships include the Food Pantry, Ripon Police Department, and Cooperative Wellness to name a few. O’Kon says they will also be able to evaluate the progress of children a little better as well. The grant was awarded by the 21st Century Community Learning Center. The BRAVE program offers before and after-school programming for kids at Barlow, Murray Park Quest, and ther Ripon Middle School Catalyst. 

Waupun Common Council Approves Housing Study 

Waupun’s Common Council this week approved spending $20,000 on a housing study. Officials are hoping Cedar Corporation can gather information that will provide solutions for housing needs. A comprehensive plan adopted by the city last year identified the need for more housing. The study will begin next month and should be completed before the year is over.   

Waushara County Fair 

An official with the Waushara County Fair says their livestock numbers have varied over the years. Kent Peterson is a Beef Superintendent for Livestock at the Fair. He says because their Dairy numbers have been down the past few years they’ve been able to house more beef and swine numbers have really taken off. “We took out that little show ring last year and put in more pens in there so that swine and sheep building is maxed out this year. So if our numbers continue to grow in the sheep and swine project we are going to be looking for another place to house them.” Peterson was a 4-H kid himself and showed animals in the fair. He says the livestock buildings have changed a lot and they’ve increased the number of facilities. One of the big moments involving livestock at the fair comes tomorrow afternoon with the Livestock Auction, which will start at 1 pm.
