Thursday News 7/11/19
11 July 2019 News
Draft Of Ripon Recycling Letter Reviewed
The Ripon Common Council this week reviewed a letter that will be sent out with sewer and water bills about a proposal to put a recycling charge for the upcoming year on the property tax bill as a separate line item. Council members felt the letter should be clear on several points including when the charge would take effect. It was also suggested having a frequently asked questions section with answers about things like people would not have a choice to opt out of recycling. The first draft of the letter did include points about the cost of the recycling curbside pickup contract with Advanced Disposal going up by $30,000 and the city is limited on levy increases by the percentage of new construction. The updated letter will be reviewed by the Council at its next meeting.
Vacancy Remains Open On Dodge County Board
Anyone interested in filling a vacancy on the Dodge County Board for District 9 Supervisor now has until next Monday to send a letter of interest to County Board Chairman Russ Kottke. Stephanie Justmann stepped down from the Mayville-area seat. The original deadline for expressing interest in the seat was July 2nd. Letters should be sent to Kottke at 127 East Oak Street in Juneau. He will make a recommendation to the County Board on the appointment.
FDL County Board Meeting Cancelled
The Fond du Lac County Board meeting scheduled for next Tuesday has been cancelled. A majority of the board signed a petition to cancel the meeting. Supervisors can petition to cancel a meeting due to lack of business or for other reasons. The board rarely holds a meeting in July due to the County Fair falling during the same week. The Fair runs July 17th through the 21st. The regularly scheduled meeting of the Fond du Lac County Board is Tuesday, August 20th at 6 pm at the City-County Government Center in Fond du Lac.
Bank Merger Being Finalized
The closing of Horicon Bank’s merger with Markesan State Bank is nearly complete. Sword Financial Corporation, the holding company of Horicon Bank, says the acquisition should be finalized when information technology and data processing systems are converted, which is expected in October. At that time, Markesan State Bank will operate under the Horicon Bank brand. Horicon Bank President Fred Schwertfeger says until October, it’s business as usual. Markesan State Bank has locations in Markesan, Randolph, and Waupun. Horicon Bank currently operates 15 locations in Dodge, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Winnebago, Calumet, and Washington counties.
Anniversary Of Smoke Free Law
The coordinator of the Tobacco Control and Prevention program for the Fond du Lac County Health Department says despite some initial opposition the state’s Smoke Free Law has worked out well for Wisconsinites. The ninth anniversary of the Smoke Free Law was last Friday. Sandy Bernier says a poll a few years ago showed on the whole state residents like the law for public places. “Overall it is very popular and there really haven’t been too many issues with that. People just needed to know they needed to take their smoke outside. Businesses had to put the signage up and basically make sure that they were complying with the law.” Bernier says the city of Fond du Lac actually adopted its Smoke Free ordinance a year before the state and now has included a prohibition against the use of electronic smoking devices in all work and public places in the city.
Registration Underway For Ripon Area VBS
Registration is being accepted for the Ripon Area Vacation Bible School. It will be held August 4th through the 8th at the Our Saviour’s United Church of Christ on Scott Street in Ripon. The other four churches participating are Federated Church of Green Lake, Grace Lutheran, Hillside Assembly of God Church, and Immanuel United Methodist. Susan Mokler is on the planning committee for this year’s school. She says this year’s theme is ROAR-Life is Wild* God is Good. “We will be doing some jungle themes and some jungle animals that will join us. We do have an animal mascot for every day and we utilize that to convert the whole sanctuary this year at Our Saviour’s.” This is the 11th year for the Vacation Bible School program that usually draws 150 to 200 participants. To register your child for the program, visit the website. The program is for kids from three years old up through the eighth grade.
UW Marching Band Performing At Berlin Kiwanis Club Pig Roast Saturday
For nearly a year the Berlin Kiwanis Club worked to get the UW Marching Band for its annual pig roast and found out this week the band will be performing at the event. Kiwanis President-elect Steve Coulson says it was quite the effort to arrange to have the band perform at their 7th Annual Pig Roast at Riverside Park this Saturday. “Eleven months we have been back and forth playing phone tag trying to get them and they had to make sure they could get enough people to come because it is the summer so they got twenty some already signed up. I don’t know how many will show up, but the more the merrier.” As for the pig roast about 900 pounds will be roasted and those attending will have their choice of sandwiches or plate dinners. There will also be a baseball tournament, other bands performing, a farmers market, cash raffle and more. The event is from 11 am to 7 pm Saturday and is the Club’s biggest fundraiser of the year raising money for scholarships and the over 20 organizations the Club supports that try to better the lives of children in the community. The UW Marching Band will be performing in the park at 2:30 that afternoon.
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