Ripon Common Council Passes Tall Grass Ordinance
24 July 2019 News
Ripon Mayor Gary Will cast the deciding vote as the Ripon Common Council this week passed a tall grass ordinance. Specifically the ordinance prohibits grass from being six inches or higher on a property. If the city has to mow the property the owner will be assessed a $35 cost for that and a $50 administrative fee. Subsequent offenses within a three year period by the property owners will see progressive fines of $125, $250, and $400 for first, second, and third repeat offenses. Council members got a number of emails and contacts from residents about the proposed ordinance and a woman spoke to the Council Monday night about her opposition. Will said the city shouldn’t need such an ordinance if people would maintain their lawns. The city has a noxious weed ordinance, but it does not include anything about the height of grass on a property. The vote on the ordinance with the Mayor’s deciding vote was 4 to 3. Alderpersons Aaron Becker and Al Schraeder were unable to attend the meeting.
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