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  • Ripon Common Council Passes Tall Grass Ordinance

Ripon Common Council Passes Tall Grass Ordinance

24 July 2019 News

Ripon Mayor Gary Will cast the deciding vote as the Ripon Common Council this week passed a tall grass ordinance. Specifically the ordinance prohibits grass from being six inches or higher on a property. If the city has to mow the property the owner will be assessed a $35 cost for that and a $50 administrative fee. Subsequent offenses within a three year period by the property owners will see progressive fines of $125, $250, and $400 for first, second, and third repeat offenses. Council members got a number of emails and contacts from residents about the proposed ordinance and a woman spoke to the Council Monday night about her opposition. Will said the city shouldn’t need such an ordinance if people would maintain their lawns. The city has a noxious weed ordinance, but it does not include anything about the height of grass on a property. The vote on the ordinance with the Mayor’s deciding vote was 4 to 3. Alderpersons Aaron Becker and Al Schraeder were unable to attend the meeting.

