Hometown Broadcasting News Friday 7/12/19
12 July 2019 News
Ripon Common Council Discusses Long Range Finance Committee
The Ripon Common Council this week kicked around a proposal for a long range finance committee. Alderman Doug Iverson proposed the committee. He told the Council this week the committee would look at things that might be more than 5 years off for the city. It could include things like capital improvement needs that have been put off such as a new public works building and finding funding for it or how state legislation will impact the city. Iverson says some things fall off their five-year capital improvements plan because there is no way to finance them and they were on the list for too long. Some Council members felt their financial planning for projects will benefit from a master services agreement the Council approved with MSA Professional Services last month. During that pitch MSA representatives said they might be able to tap into funding sources the city can’t. Alderman James Werch suggested that instead of a long range finance committee the Council could discuss financial issues on a quarterly basis after the city receives updates on its budget. Mayor Gary Will did say the city does need some long range vision planning.
Mayville Man Bound Over For Trial On Seventy OWI Offense
A 55-year-old Mayville man has been bound over for trial on his 7th drunken driving offense. Gregory Cundy waived his preliminary hearing in Dodge County court this week. According to the criminal complaint Cundy backed into a parked car on July 2nd. He refused to take a field sobriety test or submit to a blood draw, but did a preliminary breath test at the jail that put his blood alcohol level at nearly twice the legal limit. He’s being held in the Dodge County Jail on a $25,000 cash bond.
Riponfest 2.0 Celebration
After about a 10 year hiatus Riponfest returns to Ripon this weekend. The event billed as Riponfest 2.0 will be held at Barlow Park from 8 am to 10 pm Saturday. There will be a craft and vendor fair, a parade at 10 am that starts at the Village Green, children’s entertainment, bands, a strong man challenge, food and beverages and more. What used to be a three-day event is just one as organizers gauge interest and get their feet wet organizing it. Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jason Mansmith the chamber isn’t affiliated with it, but is talking it up. “This is kind of the first year in about 10 years this event has taken place. A whole new group of people have kind of put it together, a private group. There is nothing that we do at the Chamber of Commerce for the event outside of maybe just promoting it and telling people about it.” More information about the event is available on the group’s Facebook page, which you can find at Riponfest 2.0 Celebration.
ADVOCAP Job Fair Scheduled In Berlin
ADVOCAP which serves Fond du Lac and Green Lake counties will be holding a Job Fair at their office in Berlin on Tuesday, July 23rd from 2 to 6 pm. It’s inside the building at 237 Broadway, which also houses the Job Center. They are looking for part-time sub drivers for the Food & Nutrition or meals program. Human Resources Director Kelly Mauer says they are also looking for people for a number of roles in their Head Start program. “We are looking for part-time bus drivers, part-time program aides to help out in the classroom. We are looking for a full-time teacher. So if you are interested we are doing on-site interviews at our Berlin location at 237 Broadway.” ADVOCAP will also be holding a second Job Fair at their Fond du Lac location at 19 West 1st Street on Thursday, July 25th from 2 to 6 pm.
Fleet Farm Keeping Its Corporate Headquarters In Appleton
Fleet Farm will have a new location for its corporate headquarters on the south side of Appleton beginning early next year. About 500 employees will be working in the new location on Memorial Drive. The company this week announced it had agreed to purchase SECURA Insurance’s 192,000 square foot facility. SECURA is building a new home office in the Village of Fox Crossing it will move into in October. Fleet Farm has 43 stores in the Upper Midwest including locations in Appleton, Beaver Dam, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, and Waupaca.
Free Nitrate Water Testing
The Waushara Commoners and Thrivent are sponsoring a free nitrate water test Sunday at the Pine River Winery in Pine River. It is from 1 to 5 pm. To participate bring an 8 ounce sample of your well water in a clean glass or plastic container. Make sure to run your tap for about two minutes first. A 5-minute test will determine the level of nitrate in your drinking water. If you would like to follow up with in-depth testing of your drinking water there will be a form to order sample kits available at the Winery. The Winery is located at N4070 30th Drive in Pine River.
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