Friday News 7/5/19
5 July 2019 News
Marshall Man Arrested For Ninth OWI After Winnebago County Crash
A 46-year-old Marshall man was arrested for his ninth drunken driving offense after he crashed his SUV into a concrete wall on I-41 northbound at Prospect Avenue in Winnebago County Thursday morning. Larry Matthew Eldridge was unconscious and not wearing a seatbelt when a state trooper arrived at the scene. The trooper found open intoxicants and could smell the odor of intoxicants on Eldridge. Eldridge was taken to ThedaCare Regional Medical Center in Neenah. In addition to being arrested for his ninth drunken driving offense he also faces a second operating after revocation charge.
Grothman Says Congress Can Not Justify Raise In Pay
Congressman Glenn Grothman is among a group of lawmakers hoping Democrats abandon the idea of raising House members pay. He says if it isn’t acted on the increase will immediately take effect. He feels if Congress can’t adequately fund security on our southern borders they shouldn’t be rewarding themselves with a pay increase. “I have been one of about 19 or 20 Congressmen who is doing what I can to prevent that from happening. I guess if a raise happens it would happen for the year 2020 I think. They are talking about a $4,500 a year raise.” He says the House can’t justify the raise when it is considering record levels of spending.
Feyen Says Bill Just Made Common Sense
State Senator Dan Feyen of Fond du Lac was pleased to see Governor Tony Evers sign a bipartisan bill into law last month that saves taxpayer money and boosts Wisconsin’s economy. Until that change in law, a business was allowed to deduct from its Wisconsin income or franchise taxes all expenses that the business paid to move operations out of the state or the country. Feyen, who co-authored the bill, says one of the best ways to boost our economy is to encourage businesses to stay here in Wisconsin and invest in our future. “It was a common sense deduction, it was a common sense bill, it was bi-partisan. We had many Democrats and many Republicans sign on to it and we were happy to get it done.” He asks, “Why should the Wisconsinites subsidize you moving your operation to another state and not employ anyone here further?”
DPI Releases General Aid Estimates For The Next School Year
The state’s Department of Public Instruction this week released general aid estimates of what public school districts will receive for the 2019-20 school year. The Ripon Area School District will receive about $382,000 less than this year or $11.3 million. That’s a reduction of 3.2 percent. The Princeton School District will get 4.5 percent less and Rosendale-Brandon only about $2,100 less. Area districts receiving more include Berlin (3.4 percent), Oakfield (2 percent), Oshkosh (2.1 percent), and Wautoma (7.7 percent). The figures won’t be finalized until October. On October 15th the DPI will certify general school aids for the next school year.
To see the figures click here.
County Offices Remain Closed For Holiday
Some of us may be back to work today, but call ahead if you’re planning to visit a county government office on business. Fond du Lac County offices in the City/County Government Center in Fond du Lac, the Sheriff’s Office lobby window, Department of Social Services, including the offices in the Portland Street Annex, Veterans Service Office and the Highway Department are closed as is the Moraine Lakes Consortium call center. Green Lake County government offices are also closed. That includes the Green Lake County Government Center, Highway Department, and Fox River Industries. Normal hours will resume next Monday.
WWII Tank Moved To Brandon

Wisconsin National Guard Soldiers recently delivered a M60 Patton tank to Brandon’s Veterans Memorial doing the community a huge favor and getting valuable training doing it. Earlier this year, an opportunity to bring the tank to Brandon from Westfield presented itself, and Brandon jumped on the opportunity. They just needed a way to move it the roughly 72 miles from Westfield. Enter the 1158th Transportation Company, which transports heavy equipment like tanks and other vehicles as part of its military duties. That piece was finally delivered June 27th.
To read more click here.
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