Counterfeit Hundred Dollar Bills Turning Up
18 July 2019 News
Police say counterfeit $100 bills have been showing up in the Ripon and Berlin areas. Ripon Police Chief Bill Wallner says one turned up at the KMART store and another as part of a business’s bank deposit. Berlin has also had some turn up. Wallner says some of the bills have oriental writing on them, are washed out or seem to be an effort to overlay on $10 bills. He says there are a few ways to recognize them. He says the real bills would have a magnetic strip in them, which could be spotted by holding it up to a light. There are also verification pens that businesses use on bills that are $20 or more. Real money would not discolor when the pen is used on them. Real bills also have watermarks in them. Chief Wallner says if anyone suspects someone of passing counterfeit bills they should notify police and try to give them as detailed a description as they can of that person.
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