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Paranormal Researcher Talks About UFOs At Berlin Public Library Tonight

19 June 2019 News

Paranormal researcher Chad Lewis brings on open mind to his talk at the Berlin Public Library tonight on “UFOs of Wisconsin.” Lewis says in the more than 20 years he’s been talking with people about their UFO sightings and experiences he’s never actually encountered one himself. He says the people he talks with seem credible, but have had what seem to be unbelievable experiences. He says for instance an Eagle River farmer in 1961 had one land in his backyard. He actually gave the aliens a jug of water and what they gave him in return appeared to be their version of a pancake. “He actually ate one of them and said it was the worst tasting pancake he had ever had. The other two he sent out for analysis and some say they came back as nothing more than buckwheat pancakes where others believe they were made with ingredients not of this world.” Lewis’s talk will be at 6 pm. It’s free and open to the public. He has authored over 20 books on the supernatural.

