
Heat Awareness Day Marked

6 June 2019 News

Wisconsin marked Heat Awareness Day Wednesday. Andrew Beckett of Ready Wisconsin say it is important to take care of yourself and to check in on family, friends, and neighbors during periods of extreme heat. There are a few tips for staying safe during those times. “You know the first and most important thing is to make sure you are staying cool. Remaining inside air-conditioned buildings as much as possible during the hottest parts of the day, avoiding direct sunlight.. If you are spending time outdoors making sure you’re taking frequent breaks. Drinking plenty of water and watching for any signs of heat-related illness.” Beckett says it’s also important to stay informed by paying attention to local weather forecasts and extreme heat alerts. Last year five people in Wisconsin died from heat-related causes and over the past five years at least 13 with thousands more becoming ill because of extreme heat. For more tips go to the Ready Wisconsin website.
