
Friday News 6/14/19

14 June 2019 News

Barlow Park Loop Will Not Be Removed

The Ripon Common Council made it official this week deciding not to remove the loop in Barlow Park. Police Chief Bill Wallner told Council members efforts to prohibit the use of the loop to drop off or pick up children at Barlow Park Elementary School were successful. He said the educational component was significant and credited those who made it happen including the school district. Of particular concern was the use of the loop this past winter, which resulted in the city taking steps to close the loop with barriers and signage. The City will plow the half moon of the loop next winter and add barriers at the discretion of the public works director. Chief Wallner says they only issued 2 verbal warnings and one written warning for violation of the new rules after they were instituted for the loop in March.

Skeeter Concerns

Fond du Lac County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says if you want to avoid West Nile virus you also have to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes that can carry it. She says that requires dressing appropriately when you are outdoors. “Covering yourself with long-sleeved clothes, pants, high socks, closed-toe shoots, tucking in shirt into your pants so the mosquitoes can’t fly up underneath. Putting screens on your windows, keeping the doors closed.” She also recommends using insect repellent with 20 to 30 percent DEET and getting rid of standing water where mosquitoes can breed such as in old tires and dumping birth baths daily. About 80 percent of those who do get the West Nile virus will never show symptoms. The remainder could experience mild to severe symptoms.

Ripon Hydrant Flushing Begins Monday

The Ripon Water Utility will be flushing fire hydrants. Flushing will be starting next Monday during the hours of 8 am and 3 pm., and possibly continuing through the end of October. This will occur Monday through Friday of each week. Flushing can potentially cause some discolored water as sediments are flushed from the water main. If you experience this situation, run cold water only until water runs clear. Residents may also experience slightly lower than normal pressures during this operation as water flows through the hydrant. Contact the Water Utility at (920) 748-4900 if the water does not clear up after 30 minutes.

Stepping On Class Begins Next Week

The Ripon Senior Activity Center will be offering a fall prevention class starting next week. It will be offered Wednesday mornings from 9 to 11 am June 19th through July 31st. Mary Jo Neumann of the Aging and Disabilities Resource Center of Fond du Lac County says it is for those 60 or older, those who have fallen in the last year, and those who have a fear of falling.As we age that fear of falling that is a scary thing and it is a very important thing to be prepared and that is what this class is going to be about. We are going to try and avoid if you are heading for a fall.” It will have featured speakers including a pharmacist, physical therapist, eye doctor, and community safety officer. Taking the class can reduce your risk of falling by 31 percent. To learn more call the center at (920) 748-6225 or stop by the center.

Bad Habitz Performs Tonight On Village Green In Ripon

Bad Habitz makes their debut tonight at the 27th annual Horicon Bank Ripon Summer Concert Series. The concert will take place from 7:00 to 10:00 pm at the Village Green in downtown Ripon. The group is a talented, hard-working youth rock band. The 3-piece band is heavily influenced by 80’s rock music. They started as a family project in 2010. The summer series is organized by Ripon Main Street, Inc. and takes place at the Village Green located at the corner of Watson and Seward Street in historic downtown Ripon.
