Highway 23 Expansion Project Gets Underway
13 May 2019 News
The State Highway 23 expansion project from Fond du Lac to Plymouth gets started today. After years of delay construction will begin on the Sheboygan County end of the 19-mile stretch of highway. A lawsuit by environmentalists held the project up for years. Meanwhile law enforcement officials advocating for the expansion from a two-lane to four-lane divided highway cited the number of accidents including fatal accidents over the years. Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt says they had a similar issue with Highway 151 south of Fond du Lac until it was expanded. You know when I started over 20 years ago that was a two-lane stretch of highway and it was very similar to 23 in the sense that we had a lot of bad crashes out there a lot of speeding and reckless driving out there and now that is a four-lane divided highway it is a much safer stretch of highway. We are confident Highway 23 will turn out the same.”) The state’s DOT says there were 217 crashes on that stretch of Highway 23 from 2013 to 2017. The $150,5 million project will wrap up in 2022.
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