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FDL City County Government Security Checkpoint Nearly Ready To Go

30 May 2019 News

(Captain William Tadych)

About the middle of next month the new security checkpoint on the north end of the Fond du Lac City-County Government Center will be functional. Sheriff’s Captain Bill Tadych says last week they had high scan x-ray machines and a walk through metal detector installed. He says staff needs to be trained on those machines before they bring them on line. “We could probably get on line here by mid-June is our hope. We got our staffing ready to go we’re just training them up on the use of the machines. It’s been a long time coming, but we’re really happy that it is here.” Tadych says the county judges did a lot of advocating for the security checkpoint, but it is better to be proactive. He says neighboring counties including Brown, Outagamie, Sheboygan and Winnebago counties are installing their own security equipment or upgrading what they have in their courthouses.
