Ballweg Selected As Member Of National Task Force
12 May 2019 News
Madison… Representative Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) has been selected to participate in a subcommittee of the Council of State Governments’ national Future of Work Task Force.
“The CSG Future of Work Task Force will bring together a diverse group of state officials to explore how states can best navigate the challenges and opportunities of the new economy,” CSG Executive Director David Adkins said. “The task force will examine how technology creates new jobs and eliminates existing jobs, and it will share success stories and best practices and provide guidance on how states can best embrace the innovative and ever-evolving opportunities in the new economy.”
Representative Ballweg will serve as a member of The Workforce of Tomorrow Subcommittee. The subcommittee will explore policy options to ensure state workforces can accommodate the shifting needs of employers and employees alike in the face of technological disruptions from automation, robotics, artificial intelligence and the expansion of the “gig economy.”
“As an employer in rural Wisconsin, I understand firsthand the need for innovation and technological advancement,” said Ballweg. “With an aging and diversifying workforce it is important to find ways to keep up with new demands. I look forward to bringing my background and experience to this new project.”
Over the 2019-20 biennium, Representative Ballweg serves as the Assembly Chair for the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules and Vice-Chair of the Assembly Committee on Regulatory Licensing Reform and the Suicide Prevention Task Force. She is a member of the committees on Children and Families, Colleges and Universities, International Affairs and Commerce, Jobs and the Economy, Mental Health, Rules, Tourism and the Joint Legislative Council.
The work of the task force will take place across a two-year timeline with key findings and recommendations studied and shared during task force meetings, some of which will be held at the annual CSG National Conferences.
In addition to The Workforce of Tomorrow Subcommittee, the other subcommittees are Smart Government; What’s Next? Embracing the Future; and Equity and Inclusion. Each subcommittee has two co-chairs and 10 members.
“CSG is proud of its role as a trusted convener of state officials and is committed to a data-driven, consensus-based process in all of its public policy work,” said Kelley Arnold, CSG Chief Communications Officer.
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