No Working Smoke Detectors At Waupun Duplex Where Fire Occurred
10 April 2019 News
Waupun’s Fire Chief says three tenants displaced by a fire at a duplex late Monday night were lucky to get out safely. B. J. DeMaa says there were no working smoke detectors at 36 West Franklin Street. The tenant in the apartment unit where the fire began was sleeping. “Just happened to wake up. Whether he was startled by something, but when he woke up he saw the flames and was able to get out and then two individuals in the apartment next to him they were alerted by the police department when they arrived on the scene.” DeMaa says most fire departments will try and assist if there is an issue with smoke detectors. He says in this incident if they had known about it they would have tried to help. There was significant smoke and fire damage to one apartment unit and smoke damage to the other.
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