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Another Suspicious Incident Reported In FDL

29 April 2019 News

Fond du Lac Police got another report over the weekend of a suspicious incident in which a child was approached by a man in his 50s or 60s. The mother of the girl told police they were at Lakeside Park Friday afternoon when a man in a copper or burgundy-colored SUV waved to her daughter to come to his vehicle. As the woman approached the vehicle it drove off. The woman told police the man was white, had a medium build, and had shorter hair with a white mustache. He also had a reddish or brown-colored dog in the vehicle with him. Police are investigating whether the incident is connected to a similar incident on April 21st that occurred in the area of Scott Street and Wettstein Avenue. Anyone with information should contact Fond du Lac Police at (920) 906-5555 or the Crime Alert number at (920) 322-3741.
