New FDL County Jail Will Be Needed In The Next Five Years
22 February 2019 News
Fond du Lac County Executive Al Buechel says sometime in the near future a study committee will be put together to explore whether the county should expand its current jail or build a new one. He says the Sheriff’s Department and courts have done well to keep the inmate population down, but it grows every year. He figures if they opt to upgrade the current jail they will need to add about 11 staff members at a cost of about $1 million a year in salary and benefits. “Our jail is very staff inefficient because of its design and so a new one would actually reduce the number of corrections officers we would need and yet we would be able to increase our capacity by about 150 or more.” On the other hand he says a new jail would have to be built off site probably out by the new highway garage, which means having to transport inmates for court appearances. He figures the county will have to build a new jail or expand the old one within the next five years.
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