Tuba Dan Interviewed For Around The Corner Segment On Ripon
9 January 2019 News
Dan Jarabech better known as “Tuba Dan” was one of those interviewed by producers of “Around the Corner” for a segment on Ripon. He says they wanted some perspective from someone involved in the community who doesn’t own their own business. The show hosted by John McGivern will air on Wisconsin Public Television and other PBS stations across the nation will also have a chance to air it. He says that’s a real plus for the community. “An overview of what Ripon community looks like, which is a big star on our shoulders. It’s a big feat and a lot of communities will never get that opportunity. Why we got picked I don’t know, but I know Ripon is very blessed to have a lot of interesting businesses and people.” Area residents can watch the premiere at Vines and Rushes Winery in Ripon tonight at 6 pm. The segment will air on Wisconsin Public Television Thursday night at 7 pm.
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