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Dickens Of A Time In Ripon This Weekend

7 December 2018 News

(Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce photo)

Counting Jacob Marley, Scrooge had four ghosts haunt him in a Christmas Carol, but there are 28 different activities and events associated with Ripon’s Dickens of a Christmas this weekend. It wouldn’t be possible to tell you all about them in this story, but suffice it to say that there is something for everyone. “Really it is a great chance to come in create to create some great family memories. Got the horse and carriage rides again. We’ve got live reindeer coming down on Friday night. Live reindeer on Saturday night. Santa Claus both Friday and Saturday.” Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jason Mansmith says tonight there is Fezziwig’s Festival, ice skating, ice sculptors, the Enchanted Forest, the Dress a Doll Contest, Gingerbread House Contest, Fruit Cake Toss and much more. Saturday includes Breakfast with Santa, the Tour of Homes, Living Windows and much more. For a complete list go to the Chamber’s website.

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