Holiday Cooking Safety/Thanksgiving Dinner Costs
21 November 2018 News
(Ready Wisconsin photo)
Holiday Cooking Safety
Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fire in the U.S. Andrew Beckett of Ready Wisconsin says that’s a fact, so play it safe while preparing that Thanksgiving meal. “People need to make sure they are keeping packaging, oven mitts, and towels away from stove tops. Make sure they are not leaving cooking items unattended especially items on top of a stove items that could bubble over and catch fire.” Other tips include making sure pot handles are turned away from areas where people are walking, and that traffic is limited around people handling knives. Beckett also says there should be working smoke detectors near the kitchen and fire extinguishers that are readily accessible in case of a fire.
Thanksgiving Dinner Cheaper This Year
According to the Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s annual Marketbasket survey a classic Thanksgiving Dinner for ten will cost just over $45 this year. Bureau spokesperson Sarah Hetke says the price is $45.01 or about $2 less than last year’s dinner. The cost for that dinner is also nearly $3 lower than the national average, which according to the American Farm Bureau Federation is $47.90. Hetke says the cost of turkey drove the price. The price of a 16 pound bird in Wisconsin is just over $19 ($19.04) compared to nearly $21 ($20.96) in 2017. The dinner also included cubed stuffing, milk, sweet potatoes, rolls with butter, peas, cranberries, a relish tray of carrots and celery, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. The Wisconsin Farm Bureau says the price of this year’s classic Thanksgiving Dinner is the lowest since 2010.
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