
Hometown Calendar

  • 09
    September 9, 2017

    ASTOP’s Women’s Event

    All day
    September 9, 2017

    Saturday, September 9th, ASTOP’s Women’s Event.

    Join the Berlin Conservation Club and ASTOP Sexual Abuse Center for a day of shooting sports in a non-stressful environment. You will learn about firearm safety, handguns, and receive one on one shoot and trapshooting instruction.

    Proceeds from this event will assist victims of sexual assault in Green Lake, Waushara, and Fond du Lac counties. This event will provide an introduction into shooting sports with a focus on having a fun and safe day.

    All women and girls 12 & up (minors must be accompanied by an adult) are invited. No previous experience with firearms is required. There is room for only 40 participants so register early by calling Patti at 920-479-8017.

    Shoreline and Forest Restoration in Green Lake

    09:00 -11:00
    September 9, 2017
    September 9, 2017 | 9:00 am to 11:00 am | Hammer’s Trail & School Forest
    Hammer’s Trail and the School Forest Property are two of Green Lake’s treasured spots. Join the Green Team as they learn about recent shoreline and forest restoration efforts that have been implemented at each site and why these efforts are so critical. Restoration expert, Lisa Reas will guide the group through Hammer’s Trail and the School Forest on a walking tour of each site identifying recent restoration efforts. Reas owns and operates LJ Reas Consulting Corporation and has spearheaded countless restoration efforts around the lake improving our natural areas. Discover why shorelines are susceptible to erosion and the best ways to combat this issue. If applicable, take the lessons home with you and apply them to your property.
    GEAR TO BRING: Be sure to wear appropriate walking shoes for a brief hike that you don’t mind getting a little dirty! LOCATION: Hammers Trail is located within the Green Lake Conference Center, located just west of the Tea House. From Highway 23, turn south onto Lawson Drive. Follow past Lawsonia Course and turn right onto Hillside Road by the Roger Williams Inn. At this point, keep turning left! Turn left to follow Hillside Road over the stone bridge. Just past the Tea House, turn left onto the gravel road to the Hammers Trail trail head.

    State Chili Cookoff in Green Lake

    10:00 -18:00
    September 9, 2017


    Saturday, September 9 | 10:00 am to 6:00 pm | Deacon Mills Park
    The 2017 Wisconsin State Chili Cook Off Championship sponsored by the International Chili Society will be held again in Green Lake. Approximately 30 cooks will start cooking their favorite recipes beginning at 11 am. Spectators can enjoy the festive atmosphere mingling with the chefs and sampling their salsas and other hot items. Chili sampling begins at 3 pm when the judges will determine who the new champion is. The Green Lake Rotary Club will provide a local DJ and live entertainment, as well as selling their own delicious chili along with brats, dogs, nachos and lots of cold drinks!

    Golf Outing at Waushara Country Club for Wisconsin Vest-a-Dog Program

    10:00 -17:00
    September 9, 2017
    Join the Trading Post on Saturday, September 9th at the Waushara Country Club in Wautoma beginning at 10am for their first golf outing. ALL the money raised will go to Wisconsin Vest-a-Dog Program.
    Wisconsin Vest-A-Dog was started in 2005 and is a non-profit, tax deductible organization endorsed by the Wisconsin Veterinary Association. Every donation is used for the purchase and shipping of vests and other protective equipment.
    The goal of the VEST-A-DOG program is to provide a bullet proof and stab proof vest for every police dog in Wisconsin. The vests are the only protection these K-9 officers have until their human partners arrive on the scene.