
Hometown Calendar

< 2017 >
May 24
  • 24
    May 24, 2017

    Ripon Medical Center to offer ‘Stretch & Balance for Older Adults’ program

    09:30 -10:30
    May 24, 2017
    835 Parkside St, Ripon, WI 54971, USA

    Stretching is an important part of an older adult’s flexibility, and helps to offset the effects of normal decline in the flexibility of joints so individuals can remain active and independent.

    Join Natasha Novak, fitness instructor, for a stretching program that incorporates breathing exercises and good posture to relax the body and relieve tension.

    “Stretch & Balance for Older Adults” is scheduled for Wednesdays, May 3 to 24 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the RMC Wellness Center, 845 Parkside Street, Ripon.

    Preregistration is required. For cost of class, or to register, call the Health Resource Center at St. Agnes Hospital at (920) 926-4960, e-mail at classes@agnesian.com, or register online at agnesian.com/know-and-go-classes.


    Soft Skills Workshop at Ripon Library

    14:00 -15:00
    May 24, 2017
    75-123 Jefferson St, Ripon, WI 54971, USA

    Join Bob Kallio, Employment and Training Director at ADVOCAP for a series of Job Seeker workshops at the Ripon Public Library throughout the month of May. ADVOCAP is a non-profit community action agency that works towards creating opportunities for people and communities to reduce poverty and increase self-sufficiency. Develop the skill set you need to secure the right job for you!

    Soft Skills Workshop

    Wednesday, May 24 at 2:00 P.M.

    Discover the importance of ‘soft skills’ (the skills that include working effectively in teams, communicating effectively, understanding employer expectations, customer service, problem-solving and critical thinking, etc.) that enable people to effectively work well with others, perform well, and achieve their goals.  This workshop will provide information on additional free training resources for people to expand on these soft skills to help them become even better co-workers, supervisors and managers.