
Hometown Calendar

< 2017 >
March 31
  • 31
    March 31, 2017

    Ripon Middle School's "Anything Goes" Musical

    19:00 -22:00
    March 31, 2017
    The Ripon Middle School takes to the open seas as they proudly present the musical, “Anything Goes”; Thursday, March 30th and Friday, March 31st at 7pm and Saturday, April 1st at 2pm.With music arranged by timeless jazz composer Cole Porter; “Anything Goes” centers on New York junior stock broker Billy Crocker; who has learned the love of his life, debutante Hope Harcourt, is sailing onthe SS American to London, where she plans to marry another man, the well to-do Englishman, Lord Evelyn Oakleigh.  In a bid to win over Hope’s affections Billy stows away aboard the ship with the aid of his friend,renowned singer Reno Sweeney, and the unexpected ally, Moonface Martin - public Enemy 13 - who’s also on board hiding from authorities disguised as a minister.Audience members can expect to enjoy such toe-tappers as “You’re the Tops,” “De-lovely,” and the titular, “Anything goes.”This year’s middle school performance is a one-act, young performers production and is expected to last about an hour.  Tickets are $1 per student, $3 per adult. The performances will be held in the Ripon HighSchool auditorium, 850 Tiger Dr., in Ripon.  The auditorium will open to the audience starting at 6:30pm for each of the two evening performances Thursday and Friday, and at 1:30pm for the 2pm matinee on Saturday.This production has been properly licensed by the show publishers, Tams-Whitmark.